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Longman active study dictionary ; cd-rom pack (5e édition)
- Pearson
- 3 Février 2011
- 9781408232361
Fully updated for 2010 and with a brand new design, the Longman Active Study Dictionary now comes with cutting-edge software to build vocabulary even faster.
What's more, by highlighting 3,000 common words the Longman Active Study Dictionary helps students target the words they really need to know - the perfect tool for students who need to improve their English and increase their vocabulary.
With increased language coverage, new words and a particular focus on academic words, students can be sure the Longman Active Study Dictionary is the most comprehensive intermediate learner's dictionary available.
Cette méthode est une introduction au kurde sorani parlé dans une vaste région qui s'étend de la province d'Erbil (Hewlêr) à l'ouest jusqu'aux confins septentrionaux de la province de Kermanchah à l'est.
English file, 3rd edition advanced: class audio cd (5)
- Oxford Up Education
- 13 Août 2015
- 9780194502528
Oxford english for careers: oil and gas 2 class audio cd
- Oxford Up Education
- 30 Décembre 2010
- 9780194569705
New headway, third edition beginner: class audio cds (2)
- Oxford Up Education
- 11 Février 2010
- 9780194714631
New headway, third edition upper-intermediate: student's workbook audio cd
- Oxford Up Education
- 2 Mars 2006
- 9780194393096
Family & friends 2e: starter teacher's resource pack
- Oxford Up Education
- 3 Juillet 2014
- 9780194809283
Oxford english for careers: tourism 1 class audio cd
- Oxford Up Education
- 28 Septembre 2006
- 9780194551021
Oxford english for careers: technology 2 class audio cd
- Oxford Up Education
- 26 Juin 2008
- 9780194569552
International express interactive edition intermediate: class audio cd
- Oxford Up Education
- 2 Mars 2006
- 9780194574891
New headway, third edition upper-intermediate: class audio cds (3)
- Oxford Up Education
- 5 Mai 2005
- 9780194393072
English file 3rd edition upper intermediate: class audio cd (4)
- Oxford Up Education
- 30 Janvier 2014
- 9780194558587